(Dis)obedient Teddy Bears
A play loosely based on the book A Typical Girl?

(Dis)obedient Teddy Bears

Written and Directed by: Iveta Škripková
Production Design: Martina Fintorová
Music: Juraj Haško
Technological Solution: Katarína Mažáryová. Puppets created by students of the Matej Bell University, supervised by Katarína Lucinkiewiczová
Sound: Martin Číž or Katarína Mažáryová
Performed by: Marianna Mackurová, Mária Šamajová

This play is dedicated to our children, so that they would get a chance to be different.

A tale about two (dis)obedient teddy bears is a witty metaphor about bringing up our children. Through playing with (theater and children’s) play, puppets, masks, music and words it speaks about its joys and flip sides. It is also deliberately strives to highlight gender issues in contemporary theater for children.

The play is loosely based on the book by Marianne Grabrucker A Typical Girl? published in the Slovak translation by ASPEKT. The book provides a fresh look at traditional upbringing of boys and girls.
The performance is followed by a creative workshop where children can make their own (dis)obedient animals. The play was produced in the final phase of the project ruzovyamodrysvet.sk (pinkandblueworld.sk)

Preview excerpts from the preformance