Annie the Rose and Tony the Bruise
Or how Annie became a tomboy and Anthony a pantywaist

Annie the Rose and Tony the Bruise

Written and Directed by: Iveta Škripková
Production Design:
Katarína Lucinkiewiczová
selection from Les Reines Prochaines
Performed by:
Mária Šamajová

A tale about the twins Annie the Rose and Tony the Bruise is centered around situations related to first experiences with the world of relationships, objects, features and traits usually considered as strictly divided into suitable for girls or boys.
Not all girls ought to be seen as princesses, not all boys should become football players. Children like to play-act new situations, and the performance, based on the book The Pink and Blue World, provides them with this opportunity. The performance is followed by a creative workshop where children make presents that break gender stereotypes.

Preview excerpts from the preformance I.

Preview excerpts from the preformance II.