Why I am not an Angel
A stage collage from three books by the Swiss writer Aglaja Veteranyi

Why I am not an Angel

Written and Directed by: Iveta Škripková
Music Cooperation: Juraj Haško
Music: selection, E. Piaf La vie en rose
Performed by: Mária Šamajová, Marianna Mackurová, Alena Sušilová, Stanislava Pázmanyová

The performance is a stage collage from three books by the Swiss writer Aglaja Veteranyi Warum das Kind in der Polenta kocht (Why Is the Kid Cooking in Polenta) and Das Regal der letzten Atemzüge (A Shelf of the Last Breaths) and Why I am not an Angel. The performance mirrors the special atmosphere of Veteranyi´s books, is full of theater effects containing a very strong message. The form of the perfomance - staged reading, combined with the theme of gender stereotypes, are both a novelty in the context of the Slovak theater.

Preview excerpts from the performance I.

Preview excerpts from the performance II.