Development partnership of the project:
Lead partner:
(Aspect, feminist NGO) Bratislava
Aspekt, being the first feminist NGO in Slovakia, started its activities in 1993 as a feminist journal in the context of a wider educational project including a number of educational activities.
(Citizen and Democracy, human rights advocacy NGO) Bratislava
Citizen and Democracy, a human rights advocacy NGO, cooperates on this project in the area of gender sensitive trainings and Summer school for teachers.
(Theatre on Crossroads) Banská Bystrica
The Theatre on Crossroads from Banská Bystrica is working with the topic of gender sensitivity through its performances, workshops, scenic readings and many other forms.
Škola základ života, n.f. pri Základnej škole na ulici Gorkého 21
(non profit fund based for Primary School on Gorkého Street 21) Trnava
The Primary school in Trnava is a very important place where the theoretical basis of the project is being put into practice as part of a pilot project.
Faculty of Education and Faculty of Humanities Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Faculty of Education, Comenius University, Bratislava and others
International Cooperation:
International WEGA partnership is a new perspective for the project It brings possibilities of new experiences in the field of the gender sensitive education, as well as possibilities to learn new methods and tools such as gender audit, reflection of the gender pay gap, and many others.
WEGA is created by five projects. Except of the project from Slovakia there are the following projects:
ESS.ER.CI. Rewritten Social Contract (Italy)
KLARA - Netzwerk für Equal Pay und Gender Gleichstellung (Austria)