The exhibition NUDES: Uncensored Works by Modern Masters
A Different Way to Think about Art Education

The exhibition presents a dual potential, a binary intention: on one hand, to show old-master values in (predominantly) state collections; on the other hand, via their critical "readings against the grain" - in form of a dialogue or a cartoon - to spotlight even that sexist aspect of the old-mastery. You can see the exhibition in SNG in Bratislava until November 28, 2010.
Final Report on the Project (
The project has resulted in many outputs that can lay the foundation for further activities and help in finding the tools of gender sensitization of society, mainly in gender sensitivity in education and schooling. Read the whole report.
Education through the Prism of Gender. Aspects of Key Risks
The tenth publication from the series Aspekty (Aspects)

This study is a contribution to long-term efforts to map and reflect upon gender discourse and gender relations in Slovakia. The inquiry into the issue of gender equality in various spheres of society should lay foundations for a more differentiated thinking about gender in society as well as for the formulation of recommendations for both short-term and long-term policy-making. This study, the tenth from the series Aspekty (Aspects), is one of the outcomes of a long-term cooperation of partner organizations from the Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, and Slovakia with the Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Warsaw office.
The Teaching Profession
Aspects of Gender Equality in School

The ninth publication from the series Aspekty (Aspects) contains the findings of an analytical study carried out as part of the project ( Knowledge of gender equality in education based on systematic research is a necessary precondition for formulation of inclusive educational policies that would not leave out a single girl or boy. It is therefore important to gain insight into the overall situation of teachers as well as their behavior and attitudes towards their pupils.
EQ-Train: Equality Training for Trainers
International project about gender-sensitive vocational orientation

In the course EQ-Train: Equality Training for Trainers we would like to inform you about new angles and emphases in the area of gender-sensitive vocational orientation. The central focus of this project is on Equal Pay, the equality of income between women and men. In the second newsletter EQ-Train partners from the Czech Republic, Italy, Austria, Spain, and Slovakia describe five of the main obstacles on the way to Equal Pay.
Gender Equality as a Tool of Social Change
Accredited Educational Course

The project ( focuses on various educational activities for elementary and secondary school teachers and for students of schools of education. Gender Equality as a Tool of Social Change is an educational course accredited by the Ministry of Education SR that was elaborated on the basis of three-year-long experiences of the project with education and learning. Read more about the content of the course.
There is Only Work that Needs to Be Done
Campaing against gender stereotypes and gender division of labor

“Crazy or Normal?“ asks a flash animation banner and posters questioning the traditional and stereotypical division of labor between women and men. The radio spot features the wedding ceremony during which the betrothed Jana and Vlado pledge that they both know the website and that Vlado likes to cook and vacuum while Jana doesn’t have problem with changing a light bulb or hammering down a nail .... “Dear listeners, do you take this couple as your role model?“ asks the wedding officiant in the campaign radio spot. And the message of the campaign continues: “Gender equality knows no male and female work. There is only work that needs to be done.“
Read about Pink and Blue World
The book about gender stereotypes and their consequences

The book Ružový a modrý svet. Rodové stereotypy a ich dôsledky (Pink and Blue World. Gender Stereotypes and their Consequences) was the first impulse for the whole project and it is a foundation of its manifold activities. It features a number of analytical papers on gender stereotypes, gender relations and gender division of labor complemented by a rich collage of additional materials. Now you can read and download selected materials from the book Pink and Blue World (Gender Stereotypes and Their Consequences) in English. Read more.
Pink and blue world on CD-ROM
A Boy or a Girl?

The CD-ROM Pink and Blue World is a contribution to the discussion on gender stereotypes and their consequences for life of women and men in our society. It focuses on mapping the issue, its practical development, and also some methodologies. Expert studies on basic concepts and themes of gender theory are complemented by pictures, a colorful collage of scholarly and literary texts, and also various ideas and tips for classroom activities and practical work with pupils. In comparison to the book version of the publication Pink and Blue World, the CD-ROM contains more additional materials.